Question by ingineervt: On a check, I put 0 in the box. Can someone else alter the written sum line to match the box?Is this fraud?
Basically, I bought a car for (let’s say) $ 1558. So I put $ 1558 in the little box. But accidentally wrote out only “One thousand fifty eight dollars”…and forgot to put “five hundred”. The finance person didn’t check…and I didn’t notice. Later, the auto company reneged on the trade b/c they said I didn’t intial a typo on the check. They said they faxed the check to the bank and the bank said they would reject it b/c I didn’t initial the cross out. They won’t let me initial it now b/c they don’t want to go through with the trade anymore.
That being said, when they gave me back the check they faxed to the bank…they had written in the “five hundred” mentioned above before sending it to the bank. Does this constitute as fraud? Is the car company allowed to write in information and submit it (via fax) to the bank to see if it will be approved?
Ok, but what if I have the fax and can have witnesses listening in to a phone conversation in which they verify they made the changes…and I think I can even get them to name who actually made the changes via speaker phone too.
Best answer:
Answer by babygirl030369
This is not necessarily fraud but bad business on the part of the dealership for not noticing the mistake and then by taking it upon themselves to alter your check. They should have known that the bank would have denied the check.
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On a check, I put $110 in the box. Can someone else alter the written sum line to match the box?Is this fraud? is a post from: Merchant Services